Where to Buy Cheap Outdoor Gear

Discounted Outdoor Gear

Outdoor gear can get expensive, plus lots of it is specialized. You don’t want to spend a zillion dollars on a super awesome everyone-needs-it camping gadget that you will use just once a year.

If you have ever bought outdoor gear, I know you are thinking the same thing. And when I say outdoor gear, I’m talking about everything from shoes and apparel to tents and kayaks. So, let’s get down to where you can find cheap (price, not quality) outdoor gear.

Local Outdoor Gear

Let’s look local first, shall we? These are usually some of the best deals on cheap gear you can find, and you don’t even have to pay shipping. Most of these will be used equipment, although you can sometimes find new ones.

Thrift Stores & Yard Sales

You can get killer deals on all kinds of gear at thrift stores and yard sales. You can buy a brand new Steelhead fishing pole with the tag still on for 50% off at a yard sale. Some people are not much of a yard fan, while some just seem to have a knack for it. If you really hate going to yard sales, recruit a friend who loves it and tell them what you are looking for so they can keep an eye out for you.

  • Pros: local, deep discount
  • Cons: variable product availability, takes extra time to go out looking

Craigslist or Buy & Sell Groups

The online equivalent of yard sales. Search your local Craigslist page or look for other selling/swap groups on Facebook, in the local newspaper, etc. Every area seems to have a different online place that seems like it is the place to get local deals.

  • Pros: local, deep discount, can browse online
  • Cons: variable product availability, some things sell out super quick, you can’t be sure of the quality until you actually see it

Retail Store’s Clearance & Sales

Keep an eye on your favorite local stores. I’m sure you already know how to shop the clearance aisle. Just try to think in advance about what you want and when it might be on sale so you can keep it on your radar.

  • Pros: local, you probably shop there regularly
  • Cons: variable product availability, may be less discounted than other places

Local Gear Rental

Why buy gear you will only use once a year or for a new activity that you might hate? (I know you have gear from some activity that you thought you would like and hated. Admit it.) Check your local outdoor store to see what rentals they offer.

Or if you live in or near a college town, see if their physical education program rents out equipment. At Utah State alma mater, you could rent gear for camping, winter activities, water sports, etc. Students get discounted prices, but rentals are also open to the public. This can be a really amazing and affordable alternative, depending on your needs.

  • Pros: local, cheaper prices for higher quality gear, don’t have to store it, great for short-term use
  • Cons: limited availability, limited kid options, you need to plan in advance

Online Outdoor Gear

There are so many online options and more popping up all the time.

Online Gear Rental

For those without local gear rentals, you now have the option of online rentals. Sites like OutdoorsGeek can ship gear right to your door. You use it and ship it back. This is also a really great way to try out that coveted (but expensive) gear before you shell out some big bucks to get it. You don’t have to pay top dollar for a tent just to decide halfway through the trip that you can’t stand the design of the zipper door. If you have not personally used these services before, make sure to check out their reviews.

  • Pros: lower prices for higher quality gear, don’t have to store it, great for short-term use
  • Cons: you need to plan in advance. Limited kid options, have to deal with return shipping

Other Rentals

When traveling, you can check with the local agency or location about available rentals. For example, Yosemite National Park requires all visitors to store food or other scented items in bear canisters. Therefore, bear canisters are available for rent from the Park. Keep an eye out for opportunities that you may not have thought about.

Discount Sites

There are a lot of discount sites that offer some really great deals. Steep and Cheap has name brand gear for all ages and activities with a new lightening deal every 5 minutes. The Clymb offers discounted gear and travel adventures. Gear Chase is a roundup of outdoor deals from many different sites. Search around, compare prices, and find a site that fits your outfitting needs.

  • Pros: deals on name brand gear
  • Cons: limited availability, have to wait for shipping

Gear Trade

Online sites also make it easy to buy and sell gear from other outdoor adventurers. GearTrade has a good selection of gear, and you can sell your own gear for some extra cash. In addition to discount gear, GearX will also buy your gear on consignment if you don’t want to sell it yourself. Canada friends can try NeverTrackedOut, which is a new venture. Again, check out some reviews before you buy if you have not personally used any of these.

  • Pros: deals on name brand gear
  • Cons: limited availability, have to wait for shipping, you can’t be sure of the quality until you actually see it

Kickstarter & Other Crowdfunding

This may not be what you think of as super discount, but crowdfunding sites have some really amazing finds. You can get cutting-edge equipment for lower than the retail price. Products like the BioLite BasCamp Stove, and the Oru foldable kayak were first found on Kickstarter. These were amazing, brand new, and you could buy them first and help the products get started.

A new one that looks pretty awesome is the Sparkr, a flashlight/ fire starter combo. But not just a Bic lighter on the end of a flashlight, it’s a high-intensity plasma lighter on the end of a flashlight. Everyone loves high-tech toys which is why it is fully funded. And there are many other innovative projects out there. Explore Kickstarter, Indigogo, or your other favorite crowdfunding site to see what you can find.

  • Pros: state of the art, you get it first, help fund new companies & projects, discounts for early buyers
  • Cons: trying a completely new product (could be a bust), long wait time, project may not be funded

A Word of Caution

While everyone loves a good deal, and most are happy to purchase used gear that still has mileage left, there are some things you should never buy used. Just don’t do it!

  • Climbing harnesses, ropes, carabiners, & other climbing gear
  • Helmets
  • Parachutes and hang gliders
  • Sometimes Shoes

If you are trusting your life with something like climbing gear and hang gliders, you need to know exactly where it has been. It is better to be safe than sorry in such cases. There may be other no-nos in used gear, so please use your best judgment here and not just buy something on sale.

Shoes are a little more flexible rule. I would not buy a hiking boot or shoe that is already broken in the shape of someone else’s foot. It is not life-threatening like a used and abused helmet, but a used shoe can make for an uncomfortable hiking experience. You’ll have to use your judgment for shoes that have “only be worn X number of time” etc.

With any used equipment, you should check it over thoroughly, tug on seams, play with zippers, check a parts list, and just make sure everything looks good and is solid about the product.

Get Your Gear

Now get some gear and get outside! Specialized gear is not necessary for every outing, but the right gear can really make the outdoor experience better. Even with a tight budget and a big family, you can still get outside.

See you outside!

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