How to Do a Standing Backflip From the Ground

Standing Backflip

This trick tip is for how to do a standing backflip on the ground. You might be thinking that this is hard and this is way out of your league to be able to do, but it really isn’t very hard with proper technique and a small amount of experience. This is a really easy way to show off for friends just because everyone thinks that standing backflips is much harder than it actually is. This will also open up a bunch of new tricks like backfull, rodeo, and flare.

The standing backflip trick is a large part of freerunning and parkour, and knowing how to do this can help you improve in those sports, as well as gymnastics, tumbling, tramp, cheerleading, or dancing. In addition, backflips can be used as an effective way to exercise. If you don’t believe me, do as many standing backflips as you can (after you read this trick tip), and see how your abs feel the next day. Anyways, read on for a step-by-step guide on how to do a standing backflip.

Step 1: Preparation

The first step is preparation. There are a few parts to this, starting with being able to do a backflip very comfortably and easily on the trampoline. Make sure that you can do it standing on a tramp. This will give you a feel for doing it on flat ground. Standing backflips on the tramp aren’t bad at all and you should be able to get the feel of it fairly quickly.

The next step is to find a good spot to do the backflip on the ground. For your first backflip, I would not suggest you try it on pavement or gravel. Your first one should be done on soft grass and if you can find a slight hill to do it off of, then that also helps. Soft grass will make it a lot easier on your legs if you land at an odd angle and doing it off a small hill will give you a little bit of extra height so you have more time to get the flip around. If you feel that you have both of these down, read on to the rest of the trick tip!

Step 2: The Takeoff

This step is exactly as it says above, the takeoff. This is probably the most difficult part of the trick because you need to do it with decent form otherwise you probably won’t make the flip all the way around. Let’s get down to it then!

First, you’re going to go to your area of grass or hill and you’re going to find a spot where there are no rocks or big bumps in the grass that could hurt your ankles if you land on them. Once you’ve found a flat spot where you can take off and land, you’re going to clear your head and just tell yourself that you can do it. This is important because one of the primary reasons people get hurt doing this is because they don’t believe in themselves and they end up hesitating or bailing halfway through and hurting themselves. So you’re going to go into it and know that you can do it. Don’t think about failing or anything else. Just think about landing the trick and how you can do it.

Next, you’re going to swing your arms down by your hips and you’re going to bend your knees slightly. All at the same time, you’re going to need to straighten your knees, throw your arms up so that they are straight up and touching your ears, and you’re going to jump as high as you can up as possible. Make sure to jump up and not back. Jumping back will give you less height.

Step 3: The Landing

Now that you have taken off, your arms should be straight up by your ears, and you should be up in the air as high as you can jump. Now, you need to grab your knees and make yourself into a tight ball.

When you grab your knees, you need to thrust your hips forward and pull your toes backward so you actually do the flip. So let’s go over that again step by step. Jump straight up, grab your knees and pull your hips and toes so that you are spinning backward. If you are a tight enough ball and you pull your hips and toes hard enough, you should make the flip around easily.

Now, something to remember that is very important is to not throw your head back as well. If you try to make yourself spin using your head, you not only could sustain neck injuries, but you also spin a lot slower and it makes you go back instead of up, so try to keep your head in.

All there is left to do is open up and land. In the backflip, it is very easy to spot your landing. When you’re coming around, look down at the ground. This should be possible after you are straight upside down. Spot your landing and open up out of your tuck as you are coming down. Make sure you don’t open up too early. Otherwise, you might not make the flip around. But also don’t open up too late. Otherwise, you’ll over rotate.

You need to time it just right and that timing is acquired from doing them on the tramp! Now, try to land with your feet either together or shoulder-width apart. You also want to land on the center of your foot instead of your toes or heels, which could cause injury. There you go! You’ve done your backflip!

Now get out there and try the backflip and remember to believe in yourself because that’s what’s most important about this trick. Show off for your friends and feel free to share it with your friends! Good luck!

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