10 Tips for Your Next Ultralight Backpack Trip

Ultralight Backpack Tips

Everyone knows the following situation really well: The sun is shining and you are walking down a trail, on the left is a beautiful river and you hear the birds singing. That would be one awesome adventure if there weren’t the heavy gear on your shoulders. The back is hurting and the fun is long gone.

But that isn’t anymore necessary because there are so many affordable ultralight backpacks on the market which are so much lighter than their big old backpack brothers. An ultralight backpack means more fun during a backpacking trip. Enjoy your adventure without heavy gear that is hurting your back. A backpacking trip is about fun and not pain.

But before you go outdoor, you have to analyze every piece of gear in your ultralight backpack. Only an ultralight backpack will not solve all of your problems. Just like the backpack, your gear should also be fairly light. So here are 10 tips for optimizing your gear in your ultralight backpack.

Buy a Small Ultralight Backpack

Yes, ultralight backpacks are much lighter than the normal backpacks. But even an ultralight backpack can’t solve your weight problems when the capacity is too big. You will be too tempted to fill it and it won’t handle as smoothly if it’s partially filled. So do not purchase a backpack with too much capacity.

Use a Digital Scale

After you buy a small ultralight backpack, you can use a digital scale that measures down to 1/10 ounce. Good ones cost about $30. Now, you can take your portable scale into stores and weigh items so you can make wise decisions before you buy them.

Be Picky

You have to imagine that your gear is like a squad of football players, and your ultralight backpack is your starting roster. When you choose which items to pack and which to leave at home, you have to be as picky as a football coach when he chooses which players to cut.

Of course, it can be tough sometimes, but think about your long-term goal: You want to have a lighter weight to have more fun. You’ll always need something during a backpacking trip, but you just can’t take all your stuff with you. It should be an adventure so treat it like that. Choose just the most important items and you will save lots of weight. Oh, and you will have more fun since you have to be inventive during your backpacking trip.

Don’t Worry About the Material of Your Ultralight Backpack

Because the material of your ultralight backpack is lighter and thinner, it doesn’t mean it’s not as strong as the material of “big load” backpacks. Most high-quality backpacks are resistant to water and storms. Many of them are even resistant against tear. We are living in 2024, so you really don’t have to worry about these things.

Sleeping Bags: Use a Down Bag

Nothing is more efficient than a down bag! You don’t have to worry about the down getting wet and gaining weight because high-quality bags are made with shell fabrics that have a very tight wave. Therefore, they are very water repellent. Nevertheless, you should keep your bag in a waterproof stuff sack during the day.

Be Social and Share Things

You are rarely alone during your backpacking trips, so it would be a mistake if the whole group would pack for himself/herself. Some items, for example tents and cookware, can serve the same purpose for multiple people. So it would make sense to share items like that with other people because you can spread the weight out. Your back will thank you.

Save Weight With Your Tent

There are many ways to save some weight with your tent:

  • Choose an ultralight tent that weighs less than two pounds (one-person tent), or two to three pounds for a two-person tent
  • If you usually backpack with a good friend, consider buying just a one-person tent. It saves weight and money for those times you go solo!
  • Use titanium tent stakes. 6 inches titanium stakes are just 0.2 ounces each.
  • Before packing the tent on a damp morning, shake the water from it. After that, put it on a tree or rock to let the moisture drain off.

Clothing: Long-Term Weather Reports Will Help You

Before you go backpacking, take a look at long-term weather reports so you can better plan which clothes you can keep at home. And don’t take too many backups with you. One pair of pants, running shorts, and rain gear – good rain gear can weigh less than 10 ounces for top and bottom – are enough backups!

Ultralight Stoves

Another way to save weight is to use ultralight stoves. There are two main types of ultralight stoves. On the one side, there are titanium stoves that burn butane/propane fuel. They can be as light as 2 1/2 ounces, and their small fuel canisters weigh about 7 ounces.

On the other hand, you can choose a soda can-style stove that burns denatured alcohol. These stoves can weigh less than two ounces, and fuel is readily available and can be carried in light containers.

Shape Yourself Up

This may be the hardest part, but even the lightest gear won’t compensate for you being out of shape! Of course, you don’t need the physique of a football player, but enormous weight and lack of exercise can make even a 20-lb pack feel like a bag full of pricks.

As you can see, there are many ways to save weight with ultralight backpacks and the right gear. These are just ten tips, but of course, there are many more. Do you have some tips, too?

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